Speedy Identity Verification to Confirm who takes the Wheels

Protect your customers and your integrity by ensuring that goods and services are delivered to accurate locations in Africa by drivers you can trust.

Identity verification for mobility | Verified Africa

Accelerating Trust for Africa’s Progressive Brands

Register Drivers Quickly and Delight your Customers

The faster the service delivery, the better reviews from customers. Validate the identity documents and driver’s license of individuals in seconds, so you can get them on the road faster and beat the competition.

Ridehailing Identity Verification KYC
Identity verification for mobility | Verified Africa

Maintain a High quality Experience with Total Security.

Prevent negative situations and stay on the side of the law by ensuring every customer and driver is precisely who they say they are. Keep out fraudulent or politically exposed persons, fish out defaulters and secure transactions with high-standard AML screening.

Scale your Business with ID Services that Grow with You

Pursue new opportunities beyond your country without worrying about regulation barriers. Our ID verification services are available in multiple countries across Africa and increasing. Verify new documents at the same speed regardless of location and language. This is growth built for African dominance.

Enjoy ID Solutions that don’t Increase Traffic 🙂

Start verifying identities without a learning curve or additional developer time. Verified.africa is integrated easily into your current tech stack via API. With 24/7 customer support and the easiest documentation in Africa, we help you reduce costs by saving you time. Copy and Paste to get started. It’s that easy.

The Verified.Africa Advantage

We’ve built a wide range of capabilities to suit your needs so you don’t have to choose multiple verification providers. Pick what you require or have a full buffet. It’s one size for every size.

Address Verification
Liveness Detection
Face Match Recognition
Document Verification

Here for you, Here for Top-Notch Services

You don’t need to sacrifice speed for security. Our team is ready to enable you to meet your most ambitious delivery targets.